NSWTOx - Ubiquitous Outreach Exchange 2007

A LearnScope Project to extend a hub for sharing of experience and knowledge across Outreach and will include teachers, students and community partners.

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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Nancy White's full circle

Nancy was an inspirational keynote speaker at the Sydney LearnScope Showcase. She has a particular interest in online interaction, community, distance learning and Communities of Practice. The NSWTOx TOSSa project got a memtion.

What was so beautiful was the way they told the stories free of the techno jargon and a clear focus on community needs, not “start with the technology".

Nancy did an amazing whirlwind tour of Australia speaking all over the country, check out her blog for more.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Social software: E-learning beyond learning management systems

An article by Christian Dalsgaard in the European Journal of Distance and E-Learning that presents an academically reaarch argument the identifies the strength of LMS for adminstrative purpose while querying its pedogocial value.
The article argues that it is necessary to move e-learning beyond learning management systems and engage students in an active use of the web as a resource for their self-governed, problem-based and collaborative activities. The purpose of the article is to discuss the potential of social software to move e-learning beyond learning management systems. An approach to use of social software in support of a social constructivist approach to e-learning is presented, and it is argued that learning management systems do not support a social constructivist approach which emphasizes self-governed learning activities of students. The article suggests a limitation of the use of learning management systems to cover only administrative issues. Further, it is argued that students' self-governed learning processes are supported by providing students with personal tools and engaging them in different kinds of social networks.