NSWTOx - Ubiquitous Outreach Exchange 2007

A LearnScope Project to extend a hub for sharing of experience and knowledge across Outreach and will include teachers, students and community partners.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

blog help

Hi all…..

I will be available to help my blogger buddies et al every Friday 5pm – 7pm. I look forward to blogging with you very soon.

Paul le Drury

North West

New programs for semester 2 in the north west include:

* Mentoring in the Community at Coonamble;
* Pathways to Employment, Education and Training at Conamble;
* Employability skills at Brewarrina and Walgett;
* Nutrition in Bourke;

It has been hard to get my head back into the space where it was just 3 weeks ago when we were blogging!!! Was it only 3 weeks ago, seems like forever.

It's time!!!


Remember me, your blog buddy!!! I’m back!

Hope you all had a good holiday and are back at work revitalized!!

To get back into the swing of it I would love each of you to go the Learnscope blog and briefly update us on your program this term. Anything new, an still waiting to hear about Lea’s ten steps in to cyber world!!

Perhaps for a warm up, use the email option, that is send your email to the email address inthe email and it should go to the blog. To check follow the link. http://nswtoxls05.blogspot.com/

I am setting up a page for uploading in the new space we have acquired, the address for that is nswtox.com – it also links to all the blogs. Any ideas for some graphic for it?

I wait with great anticipation for your blogs and feed back.

Cheers Jude

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


testing upload facility in youth folder

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Great news...

We officially have a place where we can put word documents, sound files, any type of resources we want to share. We have purchased a new url or web address, nswtox.com. The nerdier members might assist me in getting it sorted so you can gain easy access to it. Watch this spce for more news on how this will make our ring even more useful!!!