Thursday, April 06, 2006
creative commons images
Google image search is all very nice, but have you noticed the rider at the top of the results page? It says: "Image may be scaled down and subject to copyright" (emphasis mine)
Unless otherwise specified, all images are protected under copyright. You may still be able to use them under the 'fair use' proviso, but why risk it? A better idea would be to use images which have already been released into the public domain under a Creative Commons License
Flickr allows people to add cc licenses to their images, and you can see (and search for) them on the flickr creative commons page.
A very clever developer has made the search for flickr cc images even easier, allowing you to search in multiple license areas. It's called flickrlilli. As a bonus there's also an easy-to-cut-and-paste attribution text presented along with the results.
Thanks to DoubleEE for the image: "More Smiles" by