NSWTOx - Ubiquitous Outreach Exchange 2007

A LearnScope Project to extend a hub for sharing of experience and knowledge across Outreach and will include teachers, students and community partners.

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Friday, August 19, 2005

The Learning Tree

Flexible Learning’s knowledge tree provides links to blogs from other learnscope projects and the cream of blogs they have tracked down. Remembering Leigh’s chat about blog rings where you can hook into a series of really good related information, these are a good place to start.

Learning can be hard

The important thing that emerged was an incredible synergy between the two
lists, in fact a perfect alignment: the things that make an experience engaging
are also those that make for effective learning! Learning can be hard

Ten Tips

“Just because you've used lots of software doesn't mean you can write code. Just because you've been in lots of buildings doesn't mean you can be an architect. And just because you've logged a million frequent flyer miles doesn't mean you can fly a plane.”

Friday, August 12, 2005

Outreach Teacher Workshops

(A joint project of the TAFE Equity & Outreach Unit & the Centre for Popular Education at UTS).

A series of 5 workshops designed to examine:

  • How Outreach teachers and coordinators can make their courses an integral part of local community strengthening projects
  • The nuts and bolts of being an effective Outreach teacher – the who, how, why and what.
    How Outreach can open up options and opportunities for its students, and help them take control of their own lives again.

The 5 topic areas have been selected as the key teaching skill areas required to enable teachers to be effective community educators. A team of facilitators is being finalised, but there will be a combination of UTS academics and experienced Outreach coordinators, to ensure that both the theoretical frameworks and the necessary practical skills are covered in each workshop.

  • Fri. 14 October: Negotiated Learning Derek Waddell
  • Fri. 28 October: Collective Learning Rick Flowers
  • Fri. 11 November: Keeping Access & Equity alive in VET Barbara Bee
  • Fri. 25 November: Teaching in and with your community
    Camilla Couch, Anne Bicer & Liz Mackie
  • Fri. 9 December: Teaching Social Justice Mike Newman

Who can attend: any experienced teachers or community educators who:

  • currently work in TAFE Outreach
  • currently work in Disabilities, multicultural, Indigenous or other community areas
  • would like to teach in these areas

In 2006, we intend developing a fuller Certificate, which will probably include 3 additional modules: Community Practicum, Adult Learning & Teaching, and Portfolio Development.

Any questions: contact Anne Bicer on 9682 9751

Next Teleconference

Hi Everyone

As discussed at our last teleconference on 2 August 2005, our next teleconference will be on Tuesday, 23 August 2005 from 4-5.30pm.

Please try and be seated at your computer (if at all possible) and confirm which number you can be reached on.


Monday, August 08, 2005

Fun Things for Youth

Hi Folks - Check out the resources posted to the Youth and Indigenous blogs. Some really great stuff ok ;>) ......and more. Also in the Computer blog, I see that there are lots of wonderful goodies that the teachers and the youth just seem to love to get there hands on....and just maybe in return....they might want to share some with others too.....over and out for the night and off to another meeting..

Working to support Bonnyrigg Youth

Public Housing in Bonnyrigg is about to undergo a huge transformation of knock down rebuild. Fairfield Council and Dept Housing are working closely together in support of the area.
Youth are very marginalised due to poverty, poor transport,few work ops locally, early school dropouts we all know the never ending list.
Anyway TAFE and Fairfield District Office Gateways project and an organisation called Open Family are working closely together in support of the youth. Fairfield Council is now on board and there contribution will be finalised on Friday.
Personally enjoy working with youth but acknowledge it takes a lot of energy from the staff.
Hoping to start one day a week term 4 to see the response

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Leigh has an Idea!!!!

Click title which is and load up the word doc. Read Leigh's blog post on grants - he has a pretty good idea for this Samsung grant (blogging, moblogging, digital story telling, podcasting, digi video, Internet distribution etc - for outreach students under 25!). Need some or all of NSWTOX onboard. App due August 31st. Leihg has good people ready and willing to help prepare the app.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Blogblaster Software

Hi All,

Download this FREE software and get your blog out there!

Install it, click on Add, type in (or copy and paste) your blog URL and a title and click Ping!

If you register (buy one of the 3 licences) you get more features and pings. Click the Register button to see the options.

