NSWTOx - Ubiquitous Outreach Exchange 2007

A LearnScope Project to extend a hub for sharing of experience and knowledge across Outreach and will include teachers, students and community partners.

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Thursday, June 30, 2005

Statewide Outreach Workshop

Please make sure you add these dates to your diaries:-

- Outreach Blogs pre-workshop meeting Wednesday, 14 September 2005, i.e. 2-5pm
Venue - to be confirmed

- Outreach Workshop - Thursday, 14 September to Friday, 16 September 2005
Venue - to be confirmed

Teacher Workshops

As Derek mentioned, the following one-day teacher workshops in Sydney from 9.30am - 4.30pm will be run jointly with UTS and Outreach:-

Friday, 19 August 2005 - Negotiated Learning (Derek Waddell)
Friday, 2 September 2005 - Collective Learning (Rick Flowers)
Friday, 21 October 2005 - Keeping Access & Equity Alive in VET (Barbara Bee)
Friday, 4 November 2005 - Working in and with the Community (Camilla Couch, Anne Bicer & Liz Mackie)
Friday, 18 November 2005 - Teaching Defiance (Mike Newman)

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

From Lea

This is where the next Learnscope should be held. Don't you think? All expenses paid of course. :-)

Outreach Coordinators in NSW

I have created an address book in the Outlook Global Address which lists all Outreach Coordinators and Teachers (to the best of my knowledge), i.e. @det outreach. Just go into your Outlook/create new message/and type in @det outreach. If you want to check who is listed on this list, just right click on the address and this lists all names in alphabetical order. As I am listed as the "owner" of this distribution list, please let me know of any additions or deletions to this list.

You can use this to send out information and/or refer to websites that other Outreachers may be interested in.

Learnscope 2005

Am beginning to see the value of a blog and the value it can be to have all info in one location to assist Staff.
Will need to have a list of addresses to enable quick access until become confident.
Can see the value to set up a blog for Outreach -college specific to have resources such as assessment templets. Better access for home users.

Outcomes from the workshop

This is an excellent opportunity to learn how to use "blogging" for educational purpose, post resouces, communicate between students, teachers etc. I would like to use this opportunity to the maximum.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Hi Everyone - Worth Checking Out!

Hours of Driving must equal Motivation

I have reentered that place where we were last year that is slightly confusing and somewhat out of control but I seem to keep on moving headlong towards something. Still trying to work out how this will work for me and whether this time it will stay and become part of normal behaviour.

Snow glorious snow!!

Another amazing day in the mountains: 14 lifts, good skiing & boarding, extensive grooming and copious amounts of sunshine all day long. Come and live it up at Mt Buller!


I have discovered some wonderful resources and some very useful sites within the nswtox blogs site, but I am wondering how I will be able to access and use all this stuff in terms of time and motivation? I am starting to see that this may be more user friendly than Janison Toolbox and can be set up informally. Does blogs have the 'chat' facility?
This all sounds much too formal for this time of the morning, I will tone down and calm down.

North Coast Link

North Coast Link

NSW TAFE Datawarehouse

The TAFE data cube is really handy to check out stats about enrolments or ASCH, by Institute, or by College, by language etc. It is on the intranet, so I can send you the link once I get back to the office.



Check out that other kind of Navigation course.

Sunpeaks Canada

I want to stay here for our next blogging workshop

Sydney Morning Herald

Just checking things out.


Intense Networking at Felton Woods, Katoomba Workshop

Intense networking at Felton Woods
Originally uploaded by nswtox.

Late evening wanders, rousing sing alongs and serious pool - how tough

can it get!

Learnscoping in Katoomba

Learnscoping in Katoomba
Originally uploaded by nswtox.

Thanks to Lesley, Kerry and Derek for some fine entertainment.

Remember that Survey

Thanks Leigh! I have taken Leighs advice and set up the survey on "survey monkey". Click here to take survey
As you have already filled it out you don't need to fill it in again, except those two people who had take notes on their pages, if you could enter the information on to this it would be great.
As Leigh promised it is quite straight forward, this is a limit of 10 questions which is why the email attachment question is not there.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Welcome to the Blue Mountains

What a great group of people we have for the Learn Scope project. Here
is hoping by Wednesday you will have had some snow and gained skills and
strengthened connections that will enable us to share resources, skills
and knowledge.