Hello again you mob.
At our last teleconference, we tentatively agreed to link up again this Wednesday, but Jude and I are unavailable, so we thought we would postpone it.
A couple of things:
I went to the Learnscope extravaganza last Friday, and chatted to Jock Grady, one of the organisers, who encouraged me to apply for a couple of grants this year - one continuing one for our group, and a complementary one, linking to our Staff Development discussions. So .... I thought I would just ask you all to think about what you would like to happen this year - Jude will send you something to get you playing around with Blogs, and at our next link-up we could chat about:
whether or not we think Blogs is the way to go
whether or not we want to have a follow-up Learnscope project
if so, what we would like to get from it
where we would like to go this year, instead of Macksville
I am attaching the learnscope stuff only for information., but don't expect you all to read them.